friday fav five – 18|06|01

I’m BAAAAACK! And -WOW- are there ever a lot of singing teachery things that I’m loving this week. But I’m going to choose JUST FIVE. Because that’s my jam / the whole point of these blogs.

1. favourite acoustic fight: is it Yanny or is it Laurel?

I know, I KNOW: SO LAST MONTH. Yeah, well. #MyBlogMyTimeline #sothere

great cheeseballs above, woman: Yanny vs Laurel?!   STAY WITH THE TOUR.


2. favourite video: flexion and extension of the cervical spine from Yoganatomie*

You guys. LOOK AT WHERE IN THE BODY THE SPINE IS. (Oh, and at what the spine does when it’s flexed and extended, of course.)

when i flex and extend my face looks weird. happy?


3. favourite quirky teaching tool: Danny Quirk’s art

(See what I did there? #soclever) Just do a little scroll-through of this guy’s art. AND BE AMAZED. AND USE HIS ART TO UNDERSTAND HOW MUSCLES AND BONES LOOK AND WORK IN YOUR BODY.

so clever. i am amazed by you. and your clever clever ways.


4. favourite sciency article about singing teachery stuff: The Effects of Heel Height on Head Position, Long-Term Average Spectra, and Perceptions of Female Singers, by Amelia Rollings 

Take a minute. Read the stuff. Know what you’re getting yourself into when you wear heels. #yourewelcome

this is a cat paw. it does not have heels on it. because, unlike humans, cats prefer to walk unimpeded.


5. favourite restore-your-faith-in-humanity-because-singing podcast episode: Sarajevo – Singing for Peace, from Witness by BBC

good work, humans. FOR ONCE.

You can teach your face off … I can help.

ps STAY TUNED: The Vocal Instrument 101 online course is cooooming your way. With special pricing available soooon. #soexcite!

* Thanks to Dann for the heads up on that one. I keep excitedly showing it to my students to help them re-orient where their spine is. They don’t seem as excited as I am. I’m not sure why. Ahem.



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